EMDB allow you to keep your DVD collection up-to-date. It is a freeware collection organizing application that's advanced and well-designed.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Keep track of DVD collection with this small app. Screenshot of EMDB - 2430px · 1666pxStraightforwad GUI. Screenshot of EMDB - 2451px · 1634pxManage all aspects of your movies from a single place. Screenshot of EMDB - 2430px · 1666pxMakes it extremely easy for you to manage your movie collection. Screenshot of EMDB - 2333px · 1642pxOrganizer for DVD collection. Screenshot of EMDB - 2333px · 1642pxKeeps collection of movies up-to-date. Screenshot of EMDB - 2333px · 1642px